Monday, February 28, 2011

Club Logo Entry

Something I did for a club I'm in....been noticing I've been doing a lot of photoshop entries...does that count...?

Hey smile, I'll give you ice cream!

Based on Penny from 'The Rescuers'....hoped I spelled that right

Monday, February 21, 2011

Sit boy!

Took a couple of hours in photoshop for this puppy with black and white brushes.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Omg it has color!!

lol one of my character designs. Tried to make her artsy while rocking out on the tomboy look (& yes my very first post with color!)

Thursday, February 3, 2011

KH fan art

Another Photoshop piece I did about one of my favorite games of all time!! ^ ^

Cat Tails

It's a bit late ^ ^; I had to transfer my drawings to my bigger sketchbook but I turned out well ^ ^